The serious faults detected, according to specialists, and which prevented trucks and road transport vehicles from overcoming, the situation is worrying because we are living in an era of economic development and it is nonsense not to have up-to-date vehicles that travel so many kilometers "Responsibility and more rigor are needed with the periodic maintenance of the trucks", explain the authors of the ITV study, who also highlight the need to renew and replace the spare parts, spare partsand accessorieswhen necessary, to avoid breakdowns
Most of the serious faults detected in the ITV could have been solved by taking the day the spare partsfor lighting (lights, indicatorsand signaling), the exterior conditioning accessories -both the chassis and the bodywork - and in third place the brakes. In total, they were detected in Spain In 2016, a total of 79,319 serious defects in freight vehicles (over 3.5 tons), more than those recorded in 2012.
Minor defects in trucksand trailers recorded in the ITV stations and that do allow to pass the review, are i They increased even more with a total of 558,041 failures in 2016, which is 857,953 more minor errors than in 2012. Specifically, minor truck failures increased by 54.68%. In global numbers, in 2012 the ITV stations rejected 151,067 trucks in a first inspection while in 2016 the figure increased to 164,686 trucks, which represents a total increase of 13,619 vehicles.
Said otherwise, the trucks rejected in their first pass by the ITV accounted for 35.68% of the total number of vehicles inspected. In the second review, the problems continued to increase percentage-wise up to 75%, going from 11,776 trucks with serious faults in the second instance in 2012 to 20,668 in 2016. To avoid these problems, we recommend that you browse our online store for a while, at which we have spare parts and spare parts in lighting -the aspect that accumulates the most serious faults in the ITV-, in the categories of lights for trucks, light bulbs, halogen and LED work lights, long-range lights and truck electrical connections and accessories for drums.
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