Application: Truck, Semi-trailer, Trailer, Chassis Cab, Van, Camper
Rear side light Led long inclined arm 178 vertical: Left rear side led light (driver's side) long rubber inclined arm 178 vertical Krone (1 unit)
Left rear clearance light Led white/amber/red 12-24V and connection cable of 0.35 m 0.6W in 12V and 1.2 W in 24v, short 135 mm inclined arm with plate for vertical surface mounting.Rear side light Led long inclined arm 178 vertical: Right rear side led light (passenger side) long rubber inclined arm 178 vertical Krone (1 unit)
Right rear clearance light Led white/amber/red 12-24V and connection cable of 0.35 m 0.6W in 12V and 1.2 W in 24v, short 135 mm inclined arm with plate for vertical surface mounting.
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