Brand: Horpol
Reference: 03E1601173
Rear bar 12 multifunction LEDs 6 LEDs with brake/position light service and 6 LEDs for the amber turn signal service, 12/24 Volts, 1m connection cable, IP68 sealing degree. Homologation E9 ECE R06 / R07. LZD 2246 Dimensions: length 25'7 x height 2'68 x width 2'01 centimeters Application: Truck, Coach, Trailer, Van, Camper
White cable = ground
Black cable = rear position light (0.2/0.4 W)
< p>Red wire = brake light (1'6/3'4W)Yellow wire = rear turn signal light (1'9/1'9W)
< br>
Bonjour es ce que c est 24v merci.
la barre de 12 leds au total, fonctionne en 12 et 24 volts
Muito satisfeito, super rápidos no envio gente muito seria. Obrigado.
Produit bien fini,mais la finition noir n'existe pas c'est argenté. Fonctionne parfaitement. A recommander
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